Scroll points

Trigger className changes and callbacks based on element intersecting the viewport using IntersectionObservers.


Add the selector to the DOMElement you wish to become a scroll-point

<div class="js-scroll-point"></div>

Install the package

npm i -S @stormid/scroll-points

Import the module

import scrollPoints from '@stormid/scroll-points';

Initialise the module via selector string

const [ instance ] = scrollPoints('.js-scroll-points');

Initialise with a DOM element

const element = document.querySelector('.js-scroll-points');
const [ instance ] = scrollPoints(element);

Initialise with a Node list

const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.js-scroll-points');
const [ instance ] = scrollPoints(elements);

Initialise with an Array of elements

const elements = []'.js-scroll-points'));
const [ instance ] = scrollPoints(elements);


	root: null, //element that is used as the viewport for checking visiblity of the target
	rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px', //margin around the root, px or percentage values
	threshold: 0, //Either a single number or an array of numbers which indicate at what percentage of the target's visibility the observer's callback should be executed
	callback: false, //function executed when scrolled into view
	className: 'is--scrolled-in', //className added when scrolled into view
	unload: true //only callback once


npm t

Browser support

Depends on Object.assign and the IntersectionObserver API, IE11 will require polyfills.
